What is The Gate?


Worship Intercession Every Sunday 2:00 until 4:00 PM

The Gate is a house of prayer 

 The Gate refers to Geneis 28 where Jacob slept upon the rock and dreamed of a ladder set on earth with its top reaching to heaven.  The Lord spoke to Jacob about his purpose and desstiny.  He promisted to be with him and his descendants until all the Lord had spoken was fulfilled.   Jacob awoke from the dream saying: "How awesome is the place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is The Gate of heaven."  That encounter changed Jacob's life and the presence of the Lord changes our lives as well.   We invite you to join us on a journey. Like twenty-first century Jacobs, we are hungry for life changing encounters in the presence and power of the Living God.

The Gate is a Place of His Presence and  a House of Prayer.  It is a community of people from different congregations that believe extravagant worship, intercession and prayer creates the atmosphere where heaven can invade earth.  Jesus is enthroned in praise and worship. Where His throne is there is righteousness and justice; There is peace, joy, and mercy in the presence of the King of Glory.  This fresh move of God burns with revival fire and a great awkening that changes lives because our hearts are on fire with passion for Jesus and compassion for people.  Our prayer is both spoken and lived, "Let your Kingdom Come.  Let Your will be done...on earth as it is in heaven."  

The Kingdom is within so first we have to develop the Kingdom culture in us.   We want our inner lives to express the love of God as we are contnually transformed by the renewing of our minds.  As we manifest His love, presence and power in the marketplace and in our daily lives we will  see transformation in the world around us.   We worshp Jesus and are changed in His presence and we are carriers of His glory into everyday life impacting our families, friends and others while the King of Glory extends the Kingdom of God on earth through us..  We are to be the People of His Presence and like Moses we long for encounters with the one true living God for whom all creation yearns.

The Gate DC and The Gate Florida

The Gate was the name chosen after a night of supernatural visitation by Holy Spirit in 2000 at a home church in Northern Virginia and after David and Tracy hosted a group of Pastors in Israel.  After a bomb rocked the hotel where Rick Ridings of Succatt Hallel was speaking to the pastors Rick said, "This is not about Arabs and Jews.  This is about who will be worshipped on His Holy Hill' 

Thier first thought was  "Who will be worshipped on Captiol Hill?"  Shortly after returning to Washington DC The Gate DC was opened at the North West gate of the city and all night worship called Washington Worships began.  After moving to Vero Beach, Holy Spirit began to gather a small  group of hungry lovers of Jesus who love His presence and power and love to worship Him.  Image copyright Robert Bartow "Bartow Creative Images" and gratefully used with his permission.